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all audio books cameras clamping cutting drilling dust-collection electronics gluing hardware measuring-marking misc miter-and-t-slots routing sanding sawing squaresThese are nice because they're long, which helps if your miter slot is farther from your blade than normal.
I haven't tried these, but they're cheaper than the Rockler ones, and they have good reviews.
I haven't tried these, but they're cheaper than the Rockler ones, and they have good reviews.
Great for cutting 1/4" or 3/8" box joints. This may not be a good choice for using with a SawStop.
This is an awesome full-kerf (1/8") blade, well worth the price.
No, I don’t expect anyone to buy this from my link, but hey, you never know. By the way, the Amazon price includes shipping. If you're going to get it shipped, then the price on Amazon is the same as anywhere else.
Not very powerful, but it gets the job done for my cast iron table top.
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