I’m getting near the end of my second project in Steve Ramsey’s “Powered Up” online course. Actually, it’s Steve’s third project, but it’s the second one I’ve done.
I started blogging regularly so I could talk about my progress, and the lessons I’ve learned. I figured that if I was going to take notes, I might as well post them to a blog.
It’s evolved over time, becoming not only about Powered Up, but general blog-worthy subjects also.
It’s time to re-assess my goals.
Once I’m done with this current Powered Up project, I need to decide what I’m going to do in the future, with this blog.
I enjoy blogging, and I’ll probably continue no matter what. The question is, how often will I blog.
The Poll
So, to gather information about how much of an impact my blog is having, I’m conduction a poll. It’ll probably be open for a few days, possibly through the weekend depending on the response.
Now you can comment as a Guest!
You won't receive email notifications of my replies, though.
- Use any name.
- Use test@example.com for your email address.
- “Check” all the boxes. Since you’re using a fake email address, it doesn’t matter what you agree to. 😛
I’ll have to approve your comment, but as long as you’re not spamming me, that’s no problem. Just remember that I do sleep sometimes, or I might be in the workshop, so I might not approve it right away.