Why I replaced my SawStop JSS with a SawStop PCS

I replaced my SawStop JobSite Saw (JSS) with a SawStop Professional Cabinet Saw (PCS). People have been asking me why I did it, so here’s my answer.

The JobSite Saw is a fine saw

Before I go on, I want you to know that I think the SawStop JobSite Saw is a fine saw, and I recommend it. If you decided to buy it, I don’t think you’d be disappointed. Although I recommend you watch my review on the saw before you buy it.

The main reason I bought the PCS

The main reason I bought the PCS was because I can afford it, thanks to all of you who watch my videos, and buy from my Amazon links. In a way, you all bought it for me.

I don’t make a ton of money doing these videos. I certainly don’t come close to making enough to quit my day job, if I wasn’t already retired. But last year you guys bought me a new computer, and this year you bought me this saw. Thanks, everyone, that was so thoughtful of you! 😛

So like I said, I bought it because I could. (And I figured out how to fit it in my workshop.)

The reasons I almost didn’t buy it

I’ll quote from another blog post, where I thought I had decided not to buy it:

There’s a lot of reasons, one of them being I don’t want to deal with a 4” dust collection port.

But the bigger picture is that I don’t want a lot of high end equipment in my shop. That’s not an image I want to project in my YouTube videos. You don’t need high end equipment, and I don’t want people to think they do.

You might say “But you’ve got a SawStop already, and people think of that as high end”. The biggest reason they know it’s a SawStop is because the fence says “SawStop” on it. I know the table top says it also, but it’s not as obvious. So what am I going to do about the fence?

I’m going to build a new fence

So what changed my mind?

First of all, I talked with some people who own a PCS and use a shop-vac-based 2 1/2” dust collection system, and they said it was adequate. Let’s not let this devolve into a fight over dust collection systems, though, OK?

But the biggest reason is I discovered that my plan for building a new fence wouldn’t work. I hadn’t taken into account the sliding rail and clamp that allow you to open the extension. My fence plan just wouldn’t work with those.

And the SawStop freebie deal, too…

This month, SawStop had a deal where if you bought the PCS, you could get a free mobile base, or free overarm dust collection system. I got the mobile base, worth $250. So that was the incentive for buying it now.

So what about the “SawStop” on the fence?

I’ll be covering it up with my logo and probably my website name. I’ll add pictures here when I decide what to do.


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