These are nice because they're long, which helps if your miter slot is farther from your blade than normal.
I love these tapered countersink bits. They even have replacement bits available if you break one.
I use this 12" version, but you can also get the 6" version from this link. You’ll need a pencil with a fine point.
I love this tool! I have the 12" version, but this is problably fine for most cases. You’ll need a pencil with a fine point.
I like this adjustable center punch, but since you adjust it by turning the red handle, the handle has a tendency to come unscrewed. So I used some Loctite on one punch for normal use, and bought a second punch for when I need to adjust it.
This is an awesome full-kerf (1/8") blade, well worth the price.
Ignore the bad reviews. Those are from people who expected the hose to stand up on it's own. It doesn't do that.
Works great for me. I wish the dust collection port was a little larger. but it's good enough.
No, I don’t expect anyone to buy this from my link, but hey, you never know. By the way, the Amazon price includes shipping. If you're going to get it shipped, then the price on Amazon is the same as anywhere else.
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